The Color Scheme Game

Being able to mix pigments successfully is an important skill for a painter.  Being able to choose which of those beautifully mixed colors to use in a painting is a totally different skill!  Becoming a Master of both can change your life as an artist.

Five Week Online Course presented using watercolor.  Any medium may be used to play the game. 

Each week begins with a live zoom session at 1 pm Eastern Time. During the Zoom, I introduce various approaches to create drawings for the game, present the week's color schemes, demonstrate techniques to apply the color, and answer your questions. Each week you are given access to new lessons, more pre-recorded demos and a variety of projects to work on using the color scheme game to chose your palette.

You and the other artists in your course are given a private discussion group where you may post your work, your thoughts and your questions.  This is where you may communicate with one another and share positive and encouraging feedback.  I will be answering questions throughout the week within this discussion group.  You may also email me your questions and I will email the answers back to you.  During our weekly, live zoom session, we are able to have lively back and forth conversation.

Zoom sessions are recorded and made available to you later that day.

The video below is an intro to one of the sessions in the course. 


The Color Scheme Game

A game that can change the way you see the world!


50% Complete

Two Step

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